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Proper protein intake is vital for any muscle building or weight loss program, providing your muscles with the necessary fuel for lean-muscle building, performance and recovery. A high-quality protein can help you make sure that you're getting the required nutrients and building blocks for your health and fitness goals. BPI Sports ISO HD contains 25 grams of ultra pure, ultra premium, 100% Pure Whey Protein Isolate.
ISO HD contains the most advanced flavoring technology, resulting in a taste so delicious you'll have to try it to believe it. Only the finest flavoring components delivering the most mouthwatering, gourmet flavors available anywhere. This 100% Pure Whey Protein Isolate is designed to support lean muscle growth, promote strength and help support your post workout recovery time. Maximize your muscle growth with ISO HD!
Please read the entire label before use.
Mix one scoop of ISO HD with 5-6 ounces of cold water and drink immediately after workout or strenuous activity. May also be taken anytime to promote recovery and help build strong muscles. For optimal results, use in conjunction with a proper diet and always consult with a physician prior to beginning a training regimen.
Mix it your way! 3 fast & easy ways to take your protein.
補足の事実 | ||
サービングのサイズ: 1スクープ(31グラム) | ||
容器ごとのサービング:約23 | ||
1回あたりの量 | デイリーバリュー% | |
カロリー | 120 | |
総脂質 | 0.5 g | 1%† |
飽和脂肪 | 0 g | 0%† |
トランス脂肪 | 0 g | |
コレステロール | 15 mg | 5% |
ナトリウム | 150 mg | 7% |
総炭水化物 | 1g | <1%† |
食物繊維 | 0 g | 0% |
砂糖 | 1g | |
タンパク質 | 25 g | 50% |
ビタミンD | 0 mcg | 0% |
カルシウム | 74 mg | 6% |
鉄 | 0 mg | 0% |
カリウム | 112 mg | 2% |
†パーセントデイリーバリューは2,000カロリーの食事に基づいています。 **デイリーバリューは確立されていません。 |
典型的なアミノ酸プロファイル | |||
アラニン | 1254 mg | ** | |
アルギニン | 695 mg | ** | |
アスパラギン酸 | 2635 mg | ** | |
シスチン | 527 mg | ** | |
グルタミン酸 | 4462 mg | ** | |
グリシン | 460 mg | ** | |
ヒスチジン | 447 mg | ** | |
イソロイシン | 1439 mg | ** | |
ロイシン | 2711 mg | ** | |
リジン | 2379 mg | ** | |
メチオニン | 575 mg | ** | |
フェニルアラニン | 786 mg | ** | |
プロリン | 1453 mg | ** | |
セリン | 1274 mg | ** | |
トレオニン | 1743 mg | ** | |
トリプトファン | 419 mg | ** | |
チロシン | 730 mg | ** | |
バリン | 1465 mg | ** |