Davidson's Tea, オーガニック, 蜂蜜入りマイヤーレモンティー, カフェインフリー, 25ティーバッグ, 2.18 oz (62 g) (Discontinued Item)


  • Brands製造元 : デビットソンズティー
  • プロダクトコード Product Code: DVD-02537
  • UPCコード : 022045025374
  • サイズ: 0.18 kg, 5.6x3.3x3.0 in
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Celebrating 40th Anniversary
  • Subtle Sweetness, Accentuating Wonderful Flavors
  • Organic & Caffeine-Free
  • USDA Organic
  • Contains Real Dried Honey
  • Contains 25 Tea Bags
  • Certified Organic by OTCO
  • Davidson's produces an extensive line of certified organic teas, both loose leaf and tea bag varieties.

    Our philosophy remains the same since our journey began in 1976. We've worked tirelessly to develop blends that are true reflections of their names, while being committed to sourcing healthy ingredients grown by generations of skilled small farmers since the early 1900s engaging in sustainable, socially responsible agricultural practices. As the first exclusively organic tea purveyor, we bring you the finest fresh organic teas for the most discerning palates. Enjoy Davidson's Organics, the organic tea that sets the standards for the highest quality.

    Our Promise to You

    While honoring your mind and body, we invite you to experience the great rewards of drinking tea when the flavors are true and exhilarating, and when ingredients are pure and uncompromised. So enjoy every sip of the purest organic tea, direct from our farm to your cup, and toast to our collective wellbeing together.

    Uniquely Davidson's

    We grow our tea. We import our tea. We blend our tea. We package our tea.

    Meyer Lemon tea is a unique combination of relaxing chamomile, round and mellow rooibos and lemony lemon myrtle, with just the right amount of real organic dried honey in each tea bag. Light and fruity, wonderful either hot or iced. Lemon lovers will be very happy with this tea!

    Tea as good for you as you expect it to be!


    Brewing Instructions:

    Place 1 tea bag in mug. Add boiling water and steep for a full 5-7 minutes. Make a pot at a time by adding multiple tea bags to your favorite tea pot - brew for the same time.

    サービングのサイズ:1ティーバッグ- 8オンス水
    ティーバッグ1個あたりの金額 %日量
    カロリー 18
    総脂質 0 g 0%
    ナトリウム 0 mg 0%
    総炭水化物 3.08g 0%
    タンパク質 0 g 0%