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Doctor's Best Biotin provides a substantial dose of the B-complex vitamin biotin. Biotin is indispensable for the unique function of "biotinylation" that facilitates both energy and protein metabolism and healthy DNA activity. Clinical observations of biotin deficiency shows its importance for the upkeep of healthy skin and hair, as well as for the immune and central nervous systems. Preliminary evidence also suggests that biotin can promote healthy nail renewal.
成人: 1日1カプセルを食事と共にまたは食事なしで服用してください。または、栄養学に詳しい医師の指示に従ってください。
補足事実 | ||
サービングのサイズ:1ベジカプセル | ||
コンテナ当たりの摂取量: 120 | ||
サービングあたりの金額 | %日量 | |
ビオチン | 10,000 mcg | 33330% |