Frontier Natural Products, オーガニック チョップト・ホワイトオニオン, 16 オンス (453 g)


  • Allium Cepa
  • USDA Organic
  • Kosher
  • Certified Organic by QAI
  • The distinctly strong taste of onion is indispensable in the kitchen. It's warm, sweet and salty flavor shines in most savory dishes. It comes in several convenient dried forms: flakes, granules, powder and slices.

    Onions belong to the genus Allium and are a member of the lily (Liliaceae) family. The plant's edible, underground bulb grows long, tubular leaves that are rich in sugar and pungent oils. There are hundreds of cultivated varieties, varying in appearance and potency. The most common varieties include the yellow or white glove (Creole) onion, the large, round Spanish onion, the red-skinned Italian onion, and the milder Bermuda or Granex-Grano onion. In general, American cepa onions are smaller, stronger-flavored, and better-keeping than foreign cepa varieties. Pearl onions are simply cluster sowings of cepa onions. Green onions, which are mild and fresh, are also alliums, but belong to another species (fistulosum).

    The taste and health benefits of onions have been appreciated for all of recorded history, and today onions are found in virtually every cuisine throughout the world. Like the ancient Egyptians, people today use onions as both food and medicine. Raw onions are thought to relieve gas pains and heartburn, and herbalists sometimes use onion juice as an internal remedy for excess water retention and stomach disorders. There are many varieties, and they play many roles--from primary ingredient to condiment to seasoning. Like other alliums, onions are also thought to help prevent heart disease. Externally, the juice is sometimes used as an antiseptic wash for wounds. Ancient Egyptians, who believed onions were the symbol for everlasting life, grew them extensively and used them medicinally- you'll find them depicted in their tomb paintings. The builders of the pyramids, according to the Greek historian Herodotus, ate large amounts of onions and garlic for strength. (Not all the ancients were fond of alliums, though. In fact, in parts of ancient India they were forbidden.)

    Those who have used onions medicinally-- including the Greeks, Romans, and those who lived in the Middle Ages-- found them effective for burns and bee stings, chest colds, earaches, fever, laryngitis, stomach ailments, arthritis, and even warts and baldness.

    Early settlers in the New World discovered onions growing in the wild. In fact, the American Indians in the Great Lakes region called onions she-khe-ony, which is where Chicago gets its name. Early New England settlers hung onions in their doorways, or wore them around their necks, to keep germs from entering the home and body.

    The onion holds the distinction of being George Washington's favorite vegetable. General Grant held them in high esteem, too. In the summer of 1864, the United States War Department received a wire from Grant, who depended on onions to cure dysentery. It said, "I will not move my army without onions." They promptly sent him three wagon loads.


    オニオンフレーク: 十分な液体がある場合には、直接料理に加えてください。または、まずは冷水で30分間浸して戻してください。レシピで称されている新鮮な玉ねぎ1個に対して1/4カップ使ってください。オニオン顆粒 : オニオン顆粒は簡単に分散しますが、歯ざわりがありません。フレークよりも簡単に計ることができ、粉末オニオンのように固まりません。また、粉末よりも混ぜやすくて濃縮性を与えます。混ぜる、肉、缶詰、冷凍食品に顆粒を使いましょう。顆粒は大抵の食品に直接加えることができますが、十分な液体を含まないレシピに加える前には、水で戻します。滑らかなペーストを作るのに十分な冷水を混ぜて、それから調理の終わり間際にペーストを加えるだけです。刻んだ玉ねぎ 1/2カップの代わりに、顆粒オニオンを大さじ1杯使ってください。
    オニオン粉末: 顆粒のように、味と香りを与えますが、歯ざわりはありません。ソース、グレービー、缶詰食品、肉、スパイスブレンド、スープ、スプレッドに特に向いています。大抵の食品に直接加える、または滑らかなペーストを作るために十分な冷水を混ぜて水で戻してください。 新鮮な玉ねぎ1個の代わりに、オニオン粉末を大さじ1 1/3杯使ってください。
    オニオンスライス: ドライオニオンスライスは、味と際立ったオニオンの見ためを提供します。スープ、キャセロール、スープ、ピザにぴったりです。戻すのに十分な液体を含んでいる場合には、スライスを直接料理に加え、または、まずは30分間冷水に浸してください。ドライスライスオニオンは新鮮な玉ねぎ1個相当です。
    長ネギ: ドライグリーンオニオンは、サラダ、スープ、ソース、キャセロールに加えることができます。液体を含む食品に直接加える、またはほんの数分間冷水に浸して戻して(例えば、サラダ、ベークポテトなどに使う場合)ください。


    サービングサイズ: 1/4 tsp(0.8)
    コンテナ当たりの摂取量: 567
    サービングあたりの金額 %毎日の値*
    カロリー 0
    脂肪からのカロリー 0
    総脂質 0 g 0%
    飽和脂肪 0 g 0%
    トランス脂肪 0 g
    コレステロール 0 mg 0%
    ナトリウム 0 mg 0%
    総炭水化物 0 g 0%
    食物繊維 0 g 0%
    0 g
    タンパク質 0 g
    ビタミンA 0%
    ビタミンC 0%
    カルシウム 0%