Frontier Natural Products, オーガニック カット・ふるい分け済み バジルの葉、 スイート、 16 oz (453 g) (Discontinued Item)
- Brands製造元 : フロンティアナチュラルプロダクツ
- プロダクトコード Product Code: FRO-00355
- UPCコード : 089836003553
- サイズ: 0.56 kg, 9.7x1.6x10.5 in
- Availability: In Stock
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A lovely member of the mint family with a mildly peppery taste, a hint of clove and mint, basil is at the same time spicy and sweet, warm and fresh.
Basil is a customary seasoning in tomato-based sauces, juices, and pesto. It blends well with oregano for pizza sauce, and with other seasonings, especially lemon, garlic, and thyme.