健康のための天然物: Hyland's, ニューエイジ、 No 1 カルシウムフッ化物、 125タブレット (Discontinued Item)

Hyland's, ニューエイジ、 No 1 カルシウムフッ化物、 125タブレット (Discontinued Item)


  • Brands製造元 : ハイランズ
  • プロダクトコードProduct Code: HYL-20338
  • UPCコード : 354973203389
  • サイズ: 0.03 kg,1.2x3.1x1.3 in
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Homeopathic Tissue Remedy
  • For The Temporary Symptomatic Relief of Backache, Hemorrhoids, and Muscle Pains
  • A deficiency of Calc Fluor results in a loss of elasticity & consequent relaxed conditions.

    Symptoms traceable to relaxed conditions of elastic fibers are: itching of anus due to hemorrhoids, a tendency of cracks in the skin between fingers & toes, and muscular weakness are all indications of Calc Fluor. Symptoms are generally worse with humid conditions and better with warmth & massage.


  • Backache: Bearing down pains in the lower back & the tired feeling that accompanies them.
  • Hemorrhoids: Both internal & blind piles sometimes accompanied by pain in the back. Calc Fluor assists in toning up the relaxed condition of the veins & muscular fibers, a leading cause of hemorrhoids.
  • Muscle Pain: Pain in the legs with a feeling of heaviness due to bad circulation & pains in the lower back with a dragging sensation.
  • ご使用の目安

    Adults & Children age 6+: 4 tablets.

    Children (ages 2-6): 2 tablets.

    Dissolve under tongue 3 times a day. Use more frequently (every 15 minutes for 8 doses) with acute conditions.