Concentrated Omega-3 Fish Oil BlendDietary SupplementNon-GMOOmega-3 fatty acids from fish oil promote heart health, but they also offer benefits to maintain healthy, flexible joints and more. Mega EPA/DHA contains a fish oil made from anchovy sustainably sourced in the South Pacific. This pure, fresh fish oil provides the omega-3 fatty acids you need in easy-to-swallow softgels.
Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil promote heart health and offers robust support for brain, joints and more.
Mega EPA/DHA Benefits
Promotes heart, joint & cognitive healthMade with fresh, sustainably-sourced anchovy Helps balance omega-3 to omega-6 ratiosAn Ideal First Fish Oil SupplementMega EPA/DHA is Life Extension’s entry-level fish oil supplement. It’s a convenient way to get your heart, mind and joint-friendly omega-3 fatty acids in an easy-to-swallow softgel. Mega EPA/DHA is made with fish oil sustainably sourced from anchovy caught wild in the South Pacific, and it is ideal for anyone looking for an economical fish oil supplement or a formula with an adjustable dosage.
Omega-3s and heart healthOmega-3s are good for your heart.1 Research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids helps maintain a healthy heart. But the health benefits of fish oil support more than just the heart and vascular system.
Cognitive and joint health support Omega-3s promote healthy cognitive function, help maintain your mood and encourage healthy blood flow in the brain. Omega-3s also inhibit inflammatory factors to support joint health. That makes taking an omega-rich fish oil supplement an important part of any joint health regimen.
Omega-3 vs. omega-6There are two common omega fatty acids in our diets: omega-3s and omega-6s. They’re both essential to health, but balancing the two is even more important, especially since Westerners generally eat foods high in omega-6s and don’t get enough omega-3s. That makes omega-3 supplementation essential. For optimum health, the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids should be between 1:1 and 4:1.
Made with pure, fresh fish oilMega EPA/DHA is made with fish oil sustainably sourced from anchovy caught wild in the South Pacific. Caught by a Friend of the Sea certified fishery, these fish are processed in a facility located close to the fisheries to preserve freshness.
Each two-softgel serving of Mega EPA/DHA contains 720 mg of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and 480 mg of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), making it an affordable and convenient way to get your daily omega-3s.
Read the entire label and follow directions carefully prior to use.
Take two (2) softgels one to two times daily with meals, or as recommended by a healthcare practitioner.
成分表示 |
1回分:ソフトジェル2粒 |
内容量:60回分 |
| 1回分あたりの成分量 | 1日の推奨摂取量に対する割合(%) |
カロリー | 20キロカロリー | |
総脂質 | 2g | 3%† |
ビタミンE(d-α-トコフェロール) | 2.7mcg | 18% |
フィッシュオイル濃縮物 次を生成:EPA(エイコサペンタエン酸) DHA(ドコサヘキサエン酸) | 2,000mg 720mg 480mg | ** ** ** |
**1日の推奨摂取量は目安です。 †1日の推奨摂取量に対する割合(%)は、2000キロカロリーの食生活に基づいて計算されています。 |