Comforting Scent Beautify Your Skin Smooth Skin Lasts Days Longer than Shaving #1 Hair Removal Brand For Legs, Arms, Underarm and Bikini Area Dermatologist Testedご使用の目安
To apply lotion:
Squeeze lotion into palm of hand. Smooth on a thick, even layer to cover hair. Do not rub in. Wash your hands immediately after application. Leave the lotion on for 3 minutes. Then check a small area for hair removal. Total hair removal depends on hair thickness. If the hair does not come off after 3 minutes, leave the lotion on for a few minutes longer. Do not exceed 10 minutes of total application time.To remove lotion and hair:
Gently wipe off the lotion and hair with a damp washcloth. Do not rub. Once all hair has been removed, Rinse Skin Thoroughly with lukewarm water in the shower. Pat dry. Keep bottle tightly closed between uses.