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Discussion: Nature's Life Superabsorbeze Calcium Magnesium Phosphorus Liquid is pre-acidified (pH 4.0) to ensure maximum absorption of the essential minerals. It is an excellent way to supplement a healthful diet with additional calcium especially good for children, for those interested in an alternative to tablets or capsules and for those looking for sucrose-free, dairy-free, more easily digested calcium supplement.
Nature's Life guarantees that no ingredients other than those listed on this label have been added to this product. This quality Nature's Life product meets our Quality Assurance Procedures and Good Manufacturing Practices.
Use only as directed. Take one (1) to two (2) tablespoons per day. Stir or shake vigorously before taking to ensure that contents are thoroughly mixed. Refrigerate after opening.
成分表示 | ||
1杯分(15 ml) | ||
コンテナあたりのサービング数: 31 | ||
サービングあたりの金額 | %日量 | |
エネルギー(kcal) | 10 | |
総炭水化物 | 4g | 1%† |
ビタミンD-3(コレカルシフェロールとして) | 1,000IU | 250% |
カルシウム(モノおよびリン酸三カルシウム、クエン酸カルシウム、グルコン酸カルシウム、乳酸カルシウムとして) | 600 mg | 60% |
リン(モノおよびリンのリン酸塩として) | 600 mg | 60% |
マグネシウム(クエン酸マグネシウム、水酸化マグネシウム、炭酸マグネシウム) | 300 mg | 75% |
†2,000エネルギー(kcal)の食事に基づく1日の割合。 |