Nature's Plus, KetoLiving, LCHF Shake, Delicious Natural Vanilla Flavor, 1.27 lbs (578 g) (Discontinued Item)


  • Brands製造元 : ネイチャーズプラス
  • プロダクトコード Product Code: NAP-82006
  • UPCコード : 097467820067
  • サイズ: 0.86 kg, 7.4x5.0x5.0 in
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Low-Carbohydrate, High-Fat Nutritional Shake Powder
  • Nutritionally Supports Ketogenic and Low-Glycemic Dieting Success

  • 20 g of fat per serving
  • 9 g of protein per serving
  • Less than 2 g of sugar per serving
  • Delicious Natural Vanilla Flavor
  • A ketogenic or low-glycemic lifestyle can yield tremendous benefits in areas such as weight management, blood sugar control and general well-being. But, finding foods that deliver the nutrition you need while keeping your body in a healthy, low-carb, ketogenic state can be challenging.

    Nature's Plus Keto Living LCHF Shake makes following a ketogenic lifestyle easy and incredibly delicious! Keto Living LCHF Shake eliminates hunger and reduces craving, all while helping to keep you in ketosis and your blood sugar under control.

    Experts in ketogenic nutrition recommend at least 75% of calories from fat, 15% from protein, and no more than 10% of daily calories from sugars. Trying to stay within these parameters can be a hassle...but with Keto Living LCHF Shake, you're already within these limits! The only thing you need to think about is pure, luscious, creamy vanilla enjoyment.

    Enjoy the amazing benefits and delicious satisfaction of Keto Living LCHF Shake.

  • LCHF - Formulated to be fully compliant with LCHF diets- 75%+ cals from fat, 15%+ cals from protein, <10% cals from carbs.
  • Gluten Free - Free from gluten of all sources, including wheat, barley and spelt.
  • Non GMO - Free from genetically modified organisms
  • ご使用の目安

  • 山盛り2さじ(1回分38.5 g)のパウダーを8から10オンスの水、ヘビークリームやお好みのケトフレンドリーな飲み物に加えます。
  • その他のお好みのケトフレンドリーな原料を加えます。
  • よくブレンドまたはシェイクして完全に混ぜてからお楽しみください!
  • 補足事実
    サービングサイズ: 2ヒーピングスクープ(38.5 g)
    コンテナあたりの摂取量: 15
    サービングあたりの金額 %毎日の値#
    カロリー 240
    脂肪からのカロリー 180
    総脂質 20g 31%
    飽和脂肪 19g 95%
    トランス脂肪 0 g 0%
    コレステロール 0 mg 0%
    ナトリウム 50 mg 2%
    カリウム 30 mg 1%
    総炭水化物 5g 2%
    食物繊維 1g 4%
    砂糖アルコール 1g
    タンパク質 9g 29%
    コリン(酒石酸塩として) 250 mg
    イノシトール 200 mg
    フルクトオリゴ糖(FOS) 165 mg
    50 mg
    Lactobacillus acidophilus、L.plantarum、
    3 mg
    #Percent Daily Valuesは2,000カロリーの食事に基づいています。