For Muscle Building Support100% Pure Creatine Monohydrate Supports Explosive Movements5 g Per Serving Supports Muscle Strength PowerBanned Substance Tested Creatine Supplement 60 Servings Informed Choice - Trusted by SportCreatine Monohydrate Provides 5 g of 100% pure Creatine Monohydrate - one of the most widely studied supplement ingredients - to help support ATP recycling for explosive movements. Creatine Monohydrate supports muscle building, recovery, performance, strength and power when used daily, over time and combined with exercise.
Optimum® Nutrition has been trusted to provide the highest quality in post-workout recovery, pre-workout energy, and on-the-go sports nutrition for over 30 years and in 80+ countries. After careful supplier selection, each ingredient is tested to assure exceptional purity, potency and composition. We hold ourselves to the highest production standards, all so you can unlock your body's full potential.
Creatine supports muscle building when taken over time with exercise
Directions: Add 1 rounded teaspoon of Micronized Creatine Powder to a protein shake or a glass of your favorite flavored beverage. Then mix it up with a spoon. Tip: Power-up protein, meal replacement, and weight-gainer shakes with a rounded teaspoon of Micronized Creatine Powder.
Intended for use in healthy adults and as part of a healthy, balanced diet and exercise program.
補足事実 |
サービングサイズ:1丸いティースプーン(5.25グラム) |
コンテナあたりの摂取量: 57 |
| サービングあたりの金額 | %日量 |
クレアチン一水和物 | 5g | * |
*日々の価値は確立されていません。 |