Pure Essence, MyPure、冬虫夏草 4X、ベジカプセル60個 (Discontinued Item)


  • Brands製造元 : ピュアエッセンス
  • プロダクトコード Product Code: PUR-92102
  • UPCコード : 659670921025
  • サイズ: 0.30 kg, 4.2x2.4x2.4 in
  • Availability: In Stock
  • 2300 mg Mushroom Nutrition
  • Minimum 20% Beta-Glucans
  • Vigor, Stamina, Peak Performance
  • Mushroom Supplement
  • MyPure Cordyceps 4X

    For centuries, Cordyceps was available only to the royal families of Asia. Used to enhance energy, vigor, stamina, libido and longevity, it was wild-crafted from the most remote parts of the Himalayas, and was so rare that it sold for up to $35,000 per pound.

    As an adaptogen, Cordyceps helps you cope with stress and promotes natural balance and vitality. Herbalists believe it supports healthy liver function, respiration, and inflammatory processes, thereby promoting a long, healthy life.

    The Cordyceps that was wild-crafted in the ancient past was the species, "Cordyceps sinensis". Today, Cordyceps militaris has taken center stage. Cordyceps militaris provides rich levels of the Beta-(1,3) (1,6)-D-glucans that support immune function. It also contains valued metabolites like Cordycepin and Adenosine, and a wide range of vitamins and minerals.

    Each capsule of MyPure Cordyceps 4X combines our premium 1:1 and 10:1 extracts of 100% non-GMO, certified organic Cordyceps militaris mushrooms (no myceiated grain) to provide the equivalent of 2300 mg of pure Cordyceps original formula). As part of the extraction process, the mushrooms are hot water treated to break down their cell walls and maximize nutrient bioavailability. MyPure Cordyceps nutrition in the most convenient dosage possible.

    MyPure Mushrooms

    For thousands of years, the world's great holistic traditions have touted the benefits of mushrooms. These benefits stem from mushroom phytochemicals. "Mushroom", however, are the "fruiting bodies" of organisms called basidiomycetes. These organisms also have other parts. Mycelia, for example, are the root-like structures that grow beneath the ground. The nutritional profiles of true mushrooms and mycelia (also known as mycelium, myceliated grain, full spectrum, full life cycle, grain spawn, etc.) differ.

    Since the purpose of a mushroom supplement is to procide mushroom nutrients, your mushroom supplement should be 100% mushroom fruiting bodies. MyPure Mushrooms are 100% non-GMO, certified organic, whole mushroom powdered extracts. They are hot water treated to break down the cell wall to make the mushroom nutrients available. Every batch is lab tested and guaranteed to provide specific levels of Beta-(1,3) (1,6)-D-glucans. In fact, one capsule of MyPure Mushrooms provides more beta glucans and other phytonutrients than two capsules of the same species of myceliated grain. For this reason, they are the finest, most economical mushroom supplements available anywhere.




    サービングのサイズ: 1カプセル
    1回あたりの量 %DV
    有機コルジセプスキノコエキス(1:1)† 300 mg *
    有機コルジセプスキノコエキス(10:1)† 200 mg *