A Naturally Premium BundleThe Natural Skin Care AuthorityProfessional StrengthAnti-AgingNatural ProductNot Tested on AnimalsCruelty FreeBundle Contains:
1 - 10% Glycolic Acid Creme (1.5 oz / 42 g)1 - Glycolic Acid Facial Cleanser (4 fl oz / 118 ml)10% Glycolic Acid Creme:
Normal SkinFor over forty years, we've been creating breakthrough natural skin care–introducing many industry firsts–and we're not slowing down. We promise to keep creating safe, effective, natural skin care–satisfaction guaranteed.
Natural glycolic acid with botanical extracts improves complexion through exfoliation and texturizing.Improves appearance of wrinkles, discoloration, and problem skin.Start with 5% Glycolic Creme before advancing to 10%Glycolic Acid Facial Cleanser:
For Sun-Damaged SkinNormal to Mature SkinDeep Cleansing for Face & ThroatMild ExfoliatingA Versatile CleanserPerfect for Aging Skin, Sun-Damaged Skin, and Oily or Blemished SkinFor Mature or Sun-Damaged Skinご使用の目安
10%グリコール酸クリーム: 昼と夜用。日中に使用する際は、Revivaのデイタイムモイスチャー(296)を先に追加してください。
グリコール酸フェイシャルクレンザー: 濡れた指先で顔に1-2分間たっぷり塗って擦り込んでください。ぬるま湯で入念にすすいだ後、冷水ですすぎます。タオルで軽くたたくように乾かしてください。