Schiff, Digestive Advantage、デイリー・プロバイオティクス、カプセル 50錠


  • Brands製造元 : シフ
  • プロダクトコード Product Code: GAN-18167
  • UPCコード : 020525181671
  • サイズ: 0.13 kg, 3.5x2.6x4.5 in
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Formerly Sustenex
  • New Name Same Great Product!
  • Schiff Since 1939
  • The Probiotic that Survives
  • 10x Better Survivability vs. Yogurt‡
  • Powered by Ganeden BC30 Probiotic Digestive & Immune Health
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Same great product with a New name!

    Sustenex is now Digestive Advantage

    To Support Good Health, Choose Digestive Advantage Daily!

    Schiff Digestive Advantage targets your specific digestive health needs and, with continued use, gives you long-term digestive support. That's because Digestive Advantage contains BC30, a natural probiotic that survives 10x better than yogurt to deliver good bacteria where you need it.‡

    Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that live in your digestive tract and promote digestive and immune health. Many other probiotics don't survive the harsh acidic stomach environment. Because Digestive Advantage reaches your intestines alive, it is able to provide digestive and immune health benefits where you need them. Digestive Advantage Daily Probiotic helps lessen minor abdominal discomfort, bloating and may relieve occasional diarrhea.

    Enjoy the Benefits

  • 10x better survivability vs. yogurt to deliver good bacteria where you need it‡
  • Promotes digestive and immune health
  • Just one capsule daily
  • Survives 10x Better

    Studies reveal that the single strain of probiotic used in schiff digestive advantage survives 10x better than other probiotics and yogurts to deliver good bacteria where you need it.‡

    ‡Based on median % survivability of digestive Advantage vs. probiotic supplements and 20 probiotic yogurts in simulated gastric pH for 2 hours. Survivability and delivery of probiotic cells to the small & large intestines is one of several factors influencing overall product effect.


    18歳以上の成人: 1日1錠水と一緒に摂取して下さい。

    1回分のサイズ: 1カプセル
    サービングあたりの金額 %日量
    カルシウム(炭酸カルシウムとして) 140 mg 14%
    BC 30バチルス・コアギュランス(Bacillus coagulans)GBI-30,6086 20億個の生存細胞† *