Sunfood, 消化酵素、700 mg、90ベジカプセル


  • Brands製造元 : サンフード
  • プロダクトコード Product Code: SFD-01052
  • UPCコード : 803813010521
  • サイズ: 0.19 kg, 2.4x2.4x4.4 in
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Super Foods
  • Vegan
  • Gluten-Free
  • Promotes Healthy Digestion & Nutrient Absorption
  • Plant Based - No Animal Products
  • Supplement
  • Dietary Formula
  • Digestive Enzymes

    This advanced formula of Digestive Enzymes helps your body break down foods for improved digestion, better nutrient absorption, and detoxification. Digestive Enzymes may help reduce gas, bloating, and other digestive discomforts from legumes, milk, soy, cereal grains, proteins, sugars, and starches. Along with aiding digestion, enzymes also regulate internal metabolic reactions and can assist in obtaining optimal weight, accelerating the detoxification process, and increasing nutrient assimilation.

    The Sunfood Difference

    Digestive Enzymes is a proprietary blend of proteases, carbohydrase and lipase with a broad specificity for a wide variety of foods that may cause digestive discomfort. This product is designed to work in the wide range of pH variations found in the digestive tract for maximum effectiveness. Digestive Enzymes is plant-based, free of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), never irradiated, and held to the highest quality specifications and purity requirements.



    サービングサイズ:1つのカプセル(700 mg)を
    カプセルあたりの量 %日量
    700 mg
    酵素型 アクティビティユニット**
    アルファアミラーゼ 50,000DU
    ベータアミラーゼ 3万DU
    ブロメライン 700,000 FCCPU
    セルラーゼ 1800CU
    インベルターゼ 1800CU
    ラクターゼ 2500 ALU
    リパーゼ 15,000 FCCFIP
    マルターゼ 3927 DP
    パパイン 500,000 FCCPU
    プロテアーゼI 85,000 SAPU
    プロテアーゼII&プロテアーゼIII 125,000 HUT
    30 mg
    セラペプターゼ 80,000 SU