Twinings, ハーブティー、オレンジ&シナモンスパイス、天然カフェインフリー、ティーバッグ20袋入り、1.41 オンス (40 g)


  • Brands製造元 : トワイニング
  • プロダクトコード Product Code: TWN-17950
  • UPCコード : 070177179502
  • サイズ: 0.13 kg, 5.0x2.7x3.0 in
  • Availability: In Stock
  • 100% Natural Ingredients
  • Sourced with Care
  • A warm and inviting herbal tea expertly blended with rooibos, savory cinnamon and the refreshing flavor of orange to deliver a soothing tea with a tangy aroma and a spiced citrus taste.

    Herbal Teas

    Fresh, Flavorful & Aromatic

    For over 300 years, Twinings has been sourcing and blending the finest, high-quality teas from around the globe to ensure that your tea has the perfect balance of flavor and aroma. Twinings blends to perfection the finest herbs, fruits and spice to give you a line of great-tasting herbal teas with an appetizing flavor, fresh taste and inviting aroma. Whatever your mood - there's a blend for every occasion.

    The Twinings Story

    In 1706 Thomas Twinings began selling fine tea from an English storefront in The Strand, London. Today, Twinings still sells some of the world's best teas from the original store and in more than 100 countries throughout the world.


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