Universal Nutrition, プロトン7、クッキー&クリーム、5ポンド(2.27kg) (Discontinued Item)


  • Protein Powder
  • Fast and Sustained Released Protein
  • Premium Protein Sources
  • Amazing Taste Profile
  • Who we are Universal Nutrition has been providing cutting edge and staple nutrition supplements to bodybuilders and hard training athletes the world over since 1977. As time passes, certain ideals never go out of style. Honesty. Integrity. Respect. These are the values we uphold and are the bedrock upon which we built our business. What it is Proton 7 is a premium protein powder, built around an advanced multi-blend protein matrix that contains an optimal ratio of fast and sustained release proteins. In addition to Proton 7 containing 23 g of ultra-premium protein per scoop, each serving is also packed with 5 g of fiber and 5 g of EFA, and is further rounded out with a specialized protease mixture to ensure utmost bio-availability, digestibility and maximum amino acid levels in the bloodstream. And best of all, Proton 7 is designed to be used by any time throughout the day. How we back it up what is on the label is in the bottle and what is in the bottle will help your reach your goals. We believe it and proudly stand behind every product we manufacture. Our word is our bond.


    Dosage: Mix 1-2 scoops of Proton 7 with 8-16 ounces of skin milk or your beverage of choice. For best results, use a blender or Universal Shaker Cup. For more flavor, use slightly less liquid when mixing up your shake.

    一口分: 1スクープ(43.7 g)
    1製品あたりの使用回数: 〜52
    サービングあたりの金額 %毎日の値*
    エネルギー(kcal) 185
    脂肪からのエネルギー(kcal) 45
    総脂質 5g 7%
    飽和脂肪 1g 4%
    トランス脂肪 0 g
    コレステロール 21 mg 7%
    カリウム 136 mg 4%
    ナトリウム 103 mg 4%
    総炭水化物 12 g 4%
    食物繊維 5g 20%
    タンパク質 23 g 46%
    ビタミンA 0%
    ビタミンC 0%
    カルシウム 44%
    リン 27%
    マグネシウム 3%
    セレン 8%
    * 2,000エネルギー(kcal)の食事に基づく一日あたりのパーセント値。あなたの毎日の値は、あなたのエネルギー(kcal)ニーズに応じて、より高くても低くてもよい。
    エネルギー(kcal) 2,000 2,500
    総脂質未満 65g 80g
    土脂肪未満 20g 25g
    コレステロール未満 300 mg 300 mg
    ナトリウム未満 2,400 mg 2,400 mg
    総炭水化物 300グラム 375 g
    食物繊維 25g 30g