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Get all the benefits of organic pea protein in a delicious shake!
VeganSmart Organic Protein is formulated using the highest quality pea protein isolate available, derived from yellow peas (Pisum sativum), known as "split peas". Pea protein is a great source of clean and innovative nutrition for low-carbohydrate dieters, vegetarians, vegans, children, athletes, and anyone needing extra protein in their diets.
VeganSmart Organic Protein has a unique amino acid profile that includes nine essential amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, and are used by our bodies to support our bones, muscles and connective tissues.
Quality you can Taste
VeganSmart Organic Protein is formulated for exceptional taste using the highest quality ingredients. VeganSmart Organic Protein shake provides an excellent source of vegetable based protein especially when you're on the move.
Made with Love & Passion
We love what we do and we put lots of passion into it. VeganSmart was developed by our founders on a mission to educate people from all walks of life about healthy eating habits and nutrition.
Certified for Greatness!
The USDA Certified Organic seal on this product indicates it's made from a total list of ingredients that are 95% or more certified organic. Specifically, this means the product is free of synthetic additives such as pesticides, chemical fertilizers, artificial sweeteners and flavoring, dyes, and must not be processed using industrial solvents, irradiation, or genetic engineering (GMOs).
3 ways to enjoy VeganSmart
On the Go? Use a shaker to mix two level scoops (40 g) of VeganSmart into 8 to 10 fl oz water. Shake well in a shaker cup until all powder dissolves.
Making Smoothies? Use a blender to mix two level scoops (40 g) of VeganSmart into your favorite smoothie recipe. Add ice for even better results.
Chef's Hat On? You can swap VeganSmart Organic Protein for 1/8 to 1/4 of the flour in delicious baking recipes. Great for cookies, bakery and pastries.
補足の事実 | ||
サービングのサイズ: 40 g(2スクープ) | ||
容器ごとのサービング: 14 | ||
1回あたりの量 | %DV | |
カロリー | 140年 | |
脂肪からのカロリー | 20 | |
総脂質 | 2 g | 3% |
飽和脂肪 | 0.5 g | 3% |
トランス脂肪 | 0 g | |
コレステロール | 0 mg | 0% |
ナトリウム | 270 mg | 11% |
カリウム | 320 mg | 9% |
総炭水化物 | 11 g | 4% |
食物繊維 | 5 g | 20% |
砂糖 | 3 g | |
タンパク質 | 20 g | 40% |
ビタミンA | 0% | |
ビタミンC | 0% | |
カルシウム | 4% | |
鉄 | 25% | |
*パーセントデイリーバリューは2,000カロリーの食事療法に基づいています。 あなたの毎日の値はあなたのカロリーニーズに応じてより高いかより低いかもしれません。 |
カロリー: | 2,000 | 2,500 | |
総脂質 | 未満 | 65 g | 80g |
飽和脂肪 | 未満 | 20 g | 25 g |
コレステロール | 未満 | 300グラム | 300グラム |
ナトリウム | 未満 | 2,400 mg | 2,400 mg |
カリウム | 3,500 mg | 3,500 mg | |
総炭水化物 | 300グラム | 375 g | |
食物繊維 | 25 g | 30 g | |
グラム当たりのカロリー: 脂肪9 - 炭水化物4 - タンパク質4 |
アラニン | 863 |
アルギニン | 1904年 |
アスパラギン酸 | 2266 |
シスチン | 163 |
グルタミン酸 | 3444 |
グリシン | 834 |
ヒスチジン** | 538 |
イソロイシン** ^ | 921 |
ロイシン** ^ | 1759年 |
リジン** | 1486年 |
メチオニン** | 195 |
フェニルアラニン** | 1012 |
プロリン | 921 |
セリン | 1097 |
トレオニン** | 808 |
トリプトファン** | 176 |
チロシン | 773 |
バリン** ^ | 939 |
**必須アミノ酸 ^分岐鎖アミノ酸 |