Zahler, リーチ、ホエイタンパク質、ストロベリー、1.1 lb (476 g) (Discontinued Item)


  • Brands製造元 : ザーラー
  • プロダクトコード Product Code: ZAH-08500
  • UPCコード : 848998085001
  • サイズ: 0.73 kg, 7.0x4.8x4.8 in
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Active Nutrition by Zahler
  • Great-Tasting
  • Low Sugar
  • Low Carbs
  • 25 g Protein
  • 120 Calories
  • 5.6 g BCAAs
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Kosher Dairy
  • Reach, Zahler's Active Nutrition Line, Restores Energy And Cuts Hunger.

    With Reach, you'll eat better, exercise harder, do more, be more. You'll reach for your goals. Then you'll reach further. Then you'll reach for another Reach.

    Why Protein?

    The word protein is derived from the Greek word proteios, meaning 'primary', alluding to its great importance to our diet. Protein is essential to practically every part of the body, from hair and skin to muscle and tissue.

    Why Whey?

    Whey protein is popular among individuals who have specific fitness goals, like athletes and bodybuilders. Among its benefits, whey protein has a fast absorption rate, which means that not only does it help build muscle, but it also helps repair muscle immediately after a workout. Whey is a complete protein, providing all the nine essential amino acids necessary for our bodies.

  • Lean Muscle Protein
  • EZ-Mix Technology
  • BCAAs
  • ご使用の目安

    How to Enjoy: Combine 1 scoop of Reach whey to protein with 8 oz. of milk, water, or juice.* Mix thoroughly with a spoon, in a shaker or blender.

    *Use with milk for best-tasting results.

    サービングのサイズ: 1スクープ(34.01 g)
    1回あたりの量 毎日の値の割合*
    カロリー 120
    脂肪からのカロリー 9
    総脂質 1g 2%
    コレステロール 11 mg 4%
    総炭水化物 5 g 2%
    食物繊維 2 g 8%
    砂糖 1g
    タンパク質 25 g
    カルシウム 110 mg 11%
    ナトリウム 70 mg 3%
    ステビア葉エキス 102 mg
    アミノ酸プロファイル (100 gあたり)
    ロイシン 10400 mg
    イソロイシン 6200 mg
    バリン 5840 mg
    トリプトファン 1720 mg
    リジン 9280 mg
    メチオニン 2200 mg
    フェニルアラニン 3120 mg
    トレオニン 6800 mg
    ヒスチジン 1720 mg
    アラニン 4920 mg
    アルギニン 2200 mg
    アスパラギン酸 10800 mg
    システイン 2440 mg
    グルタミン酸 17320 mg
    グリシン 1680 mg
    プロリン 5880 mg
    セリン 4960 mg
    チロシン 2640 mg